Life and more as told by an un-normal teen.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

As promised

My dad was being a total jerk a few minutes before this and I totally hit him. Ballsy, I tell you. I think I'm insane, but then again what he did seriously warranted it. Don't do this at home, kiddies.

Okay, more pictures. Lovely, eh?

WIPS and first finished project of the year. Grey mittens are Bella's Mittens made for a friend, but unfinished since I ran out of yarn for the thumb. LAME. Purple hat is Big Blue Beret, only purple. I learned how pompom handicapped I actually am. Sad. Last, red sock is Baudelaire. It's really pretty, but I've kind of gotten bored of it.

Stash! It's small, but I love it. It's mostly from last year with a sheeeetload of cheap acrylic, but it's useful in the event of emergencies. Plus, I can still go out and buy more when I get a project.

Now, here's the good stuff. Two hanks of Manos del Uraguay wool, Malabrigo Hand painted Thick & Thin, and that last one I keep forgetting but it's so lovely and green. If anybody is reading this, give me some pattern suggestions so I can knit them up and buy more.

Anywho, I've really got to get studying for my Chem test tommorow. IT'S ALREADY 7:30!! I'll be back since I need to scheme for my new goal of World Domination With Knitting aka, Knit Fame.

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About Me

A something teen year old with nocturnal tendencies. Also likes music and makes clothes.