Life and more as told by an un-normal teen.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crap, it's almost spring

Did you know I dislike spring. Mainly early spring when the snow all begins to melt, and shit soup is everywhere. It does however provide me a good excuse to wear rain boots.

I'm sorry to say that there is no real business to this post other than the fact that I am SO PISSED AT MYSELF for various reasons.

1. Fact was misspelled as fat. This is probably part of my current issue of weight gain over the last few weeks. Especially this week as I am on my "cycle". I'm not obese to which it would become a big deal, but I am quite short, chubby, and my genetic future seems a very plump. The main problem is that I LOVE food. I love and enjoy eating, cooking, chocolate, etc. Also, it doesn't help that I'm a fast eater and lazy to the bone. I do hope to shed some before the weather gets warmer so I can wear my nice clothes.

2. Math is a bitch/my bitch. It's giving me such a hard time trying to dominate over it. I love math, but it won't let me enjoy it without a fight. WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN UNNECESSARY PAIN IN THE ASS, FUNCTIONS?

3. I want new spring clothes.

Anyways, it's late. I'm tired. I'll post some pictures of FOs and my new self-haircut over this or next week.


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Do you find skinny or curvy girls more appealling?

About Me

A something teen year old with nocturnal tendencies. Also likes music and makes clothes.